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Visual Processing Information
By: David Cook
Intended for parents, “When Your Child Struggles” is very informative, concise and easy to understand. For those of you with a limited (or no) medical background, you won’t need to Google medical terms or try to decipher complicated diagrams to get through this book. The book has three sections: Understanding 20/20; The Visual Abilities and Finding Help.
By: Hazel Dawkins, Ellis Edelman & Constantine Forkiotis
Hazel Dawkins’ book is a must-read for parents whose children are having learning problems. She lays out the issues and solutions in a reader-friendly manner that can be easily understood. It is very helpful in providing a basic understanding of the far reaching effects of challenging visual issues.
By: Antonia Orfield
Poor vision, if unnoticed and untreated, can dramatically reduce a child’s school achievement. While it is easy to blame underachievement on a variety of causes, the real cause may be directly related to vision development. Dr. Antonia Orfield provides answers about referrals, required vision tests, and vision-improvement techniques.
By: Scheiman OD FCOVD FAAO
A major emphasis of the Third Edition is on management of eye movement, visual information processing, visual field, and low vision problems. Therapy suggestions have been expanded and the use of computer software has been incorporated into the therapy.
By: Janette Atkinson
One of the most dramatic areas of development in early human life is that of vision. Whereas vision plays a relatively minor role in the world of the newborn infant, by six months it has assumed the position as a dominant sense and forms the basis of later perceptual, cognitive, and social development. Drawing on over 20 years of cutting edge research in the Visual Development Units in Cambridge and University College, London, this book provides the definitive account of what we know about the developing visual system and the problems that can occur during development.
By: Douglas Burnham & Ruth Campbell
This volume outlines some of the developments in practical and theoretical research into speechreading lipreading that have taken place since the publication of the original “Hearing by Eye”. It comprises 15 chapters by international researchers in psychology, psycholinguistics, experimental and clinical speech science, and computer engineering.